Covid-19 – New Measures

Dear customers and partners,
We have received authorization from government authorities to continue our activities in order to support the priority and essential sectors of our economy.
We are a manufacturer of new and reconditioned packaging equipment (Packaging industry).
In addition, we have a parts and services department which is partially open to support emergencies
However, for non-priority activities, we will maintain a minimum level of operations while taking into account public health directives.
Procepack has been committed to supporting you for almost 10 years while placing the health of its employees and collaborators at the heart of its concerns. We will mobilize our volunteer teams in reinforced sanitary conditions so that they are by your side to produce the goods and services necessary for your immediate essential production.
Our emergency call service department is at your disposal:
514-360-1292 ext. 4
Don’t hesitate to contact us
By our collective and individual efforts we will succeed in limiting and defeating this virus as soon as possible.
Thank you for your collaboration.
Harold Bouchard